PneumoCare’s Easy2Clean Mask is a Silicone Full Face Mask with easy to clean technology for use with ICU Ventilators or BiPAP/CPAP machines.
The unique mask design comes with an Auto Adjustable Frame and a Fused Dual Wall Soft Silicone Cushioning which not only provides exceptional comfort to the patient but also delivers in terms of quality and performance

Vented & Non-Vented Configurations:
- Auto-Fitting Silicone Full Face Mask with Auto-Adjustable Frame for a comfortable and leak resistant seal
- Patented Kink on Angular Forehead Support to significantly reduce Nasal Bridge Injury
- Removable Cushion with Patented Cushion locking system based on the acclaimed Easy2Clean technology
- Transparent, Ultra-light mask with built-in Oxygen Ports